I suppose it was only a matter of time- potato chips coated in caffeine! A 3 ½ oz bag of NRG Phoenix Furry Potato Chips provides the equivalent of 3 ½ big cups of brewed coffee, so a conservative estimate of caffeine content is 473 mg in their largest size of chips. How does that compare to other caffeinated products? Eight ounces of brewed coffee clocks in at 135 mg/serving; Lipton Tea at 35-40 mg per 8 oz; Mountain Dew at 55.5 for 12oz; 1.5 oz Hershey Bar contains 10 mg of caffeine.
A one ounce serving of these chips contains 9 grams of fat so the 3 ½ oz chip size contains 31.5 grams of fat. So, 3 ½ oz later, you get 473 mg of caffeine and 31.5 grams of fat. The makers of this chip claim their target groups are those individuals who do not like the taste of energy drinks and would prefer a crunchy snack instead. According to the article, someone already makes a caffeine-infused yogurt so that particular market has already been cornered.